Charlotte and PJ still get a charge out of lateral work.
Binky is round everywhere, head to tail!
Jan was not alone in working on the turns on the forehand.
Kathy and Drako get their first taste of the Terry style.
Kathy also introduced us to Beau.
We all enjoyed having Julie as as guest, even Ebony!
Ebony and Julie also made a great pair.
Ebony tried so hard for Julie, she nearly flew.
Michelle brought her big guy, Parker -
and the sessions were all about communication and trust.
Karen was tense at first, but as always she did great on Binky with the Terry touch.
Erica finds out Magic knows how to bend - he just needs help.
OK, so how can this pony and
this pony be the same creature? Oh right, it's a pony!
Wow, Parfait is learning Passage!
We're impressed, and so is Parfait.