Sandy works on softness for endurance horses
and look at that response!
Lots of canter work for Adelheid and Parfait
Poco is really improving his lateral movements
and the result is a much changed picture
Alice is a totally different rider this year!
PJ is learning some new tricks
and when he hooks on Charlotte's grin couldn't get bigger!
This is the first time we have met Elise's Hanoverian
Elise tries to settle him into place for mounting
Amadeo is considering Terry's suggestion
Audra and Amadeo - the saddle is old hat
Wow, venturing outside the round pen!
Sandy starts the education process with her Pinto
Trina and Echo work the mounting process
and get Echo ready for responding to the reins
Parfait's transitions are still hard work for Adelheid
Trina and Mix are a whole new pair this year
Mix with quiet tail and calm trot is fun to watch
Elise does the Hanoverian hang
and gets closer to the saddle