Terry gets some suspension out of Willow
Aha! It's not just me. Willow shows attitude to Terry, too!
Adler goes soft and round with Chris
Adler finds even more soft and round for Terry
Melanie is having way too much fun with Topper
Milo gets the Terry update
Milo leaves the earth behind
The camera is straight -- Milo needs a LOT of lean to find this canter lead
Now it's Carol's turn to try it
Terry shows us Parfait's real canter
Adelheid gets the benefit at the trot
Alice and Poco with confidence
and on day two, she's absolutely hot to trot!
Jana lies down on the job
Balance, balance, balance
Nice posture, Jana, but something looks a little off to me
We know you are round, Binky, but that's not quite what Terry meant by side-saddle
That's our Jana, always flexible
Echo's favorite time in the lesson is love and scratches
Hmmm, PJ doesn't do that when I ride him
20+ year old Quarter Horse? Where?
Look at that energy! Charlotte, he's got your number.
Magic takes a little extra persuasion -- huh?
Erica stays focused on forward in spite of the approaching fire!